Thursday 11 September 2014

Problems Generated Due To Over Population

As we all know that India is the second largest country in terms of populations after china. now this increase in population have aroused many problems which affect the people of india.Some of the problems are as follows.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Important Things to Know About Brain Drain

Most of us would be aware of the term brain drain. For those who have just a little idea or no let me make it more clear. brain drain is a kind to thinking to work in other countries with a hope to earn more salary and good job in other countries.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Important Things About Wrestling

World wrestling entertainment (WWE) is familiar to all of us as once we all use to watch it a lot. Many people watch it now also. Especially kids are the great fan of WWE. and some teenagers ,adult and even old men.

Important Thing to Know About Internert

The most widely used thing in this world that connect the whole world just like a web. All one has to do is type anything in google and there are millions of relevant things that opens in a second and thus we can go to the website and get the information or data according to our need.

Real Picture of God in India

Most of us have seen this movie and the concept in contained was superb according to me. So I thought of writing this article for the same reason why this movie was made i.e to make the public aware from all these superstitious thing in which these corrupt ‘babas’ and ‘saadhus’ earn money by fooling the innocent public on the basis of myths they tell about gods.