Wednesday 23 April 2014

Today's Education System In India

Education is a source of light which brings about various luminescent paths to lead the life judiciously. This light must be spread all around to make this world a better place. Since ages the custom of education has been followed by the humans. But the education today differs altogether from education at the time of Takshila - Nalanda institutes when Maharishis enlightened their students with the light of their knowledge and temples were the centre for austerity.

However, the scenario today is absolutely different from what it has ever been. It has now reached a level where education is being calibrated by the amount of “donations” and “kickbacks” offered to the schools by the aspirant. Education is no more the source of light but the source of income for the educator .For getting their child educated parents has to pay through their nose, it’s not a cakewalk anymore.

And even than the education standard is such ,that although the student is able to pass the examinations with good grades but is far from reality and is engrossed in the virtual world of books, formulas and mugging up the question-answers.the competition for scoring better and better not only among  students but also their parents , teachers and schools, have left the student so involved into his bookish world that it leaves him far away from social interactions, losing sympathy and compassion for fellow beings, they have become more and more self-centered and do not tend to develop caring and sharing attitude.

The contemporary education system does not educate a child for courtesy, moral and character values due to which the young population today could not be relied for carrying forward the essence of our culture. In the end we can say that although today’s education system can give us many good doctors, engineers and scientists but not a good human being.


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