Saturday 26 April 2014

What Is Friendship?

Is it just me or have friendships taken a beating these days ?????????? when we were younger,every decision was taken as a collective,a gang of best friends standing by each other through thick and thin,exploring and experimenting together because we had each other for support .we were much more gullible those days and hardly ever stopped to ponder our actions ,but we always knew that whether it was the chaotic corridor of the school or the loud and robust canteen in college,there was a camaraderie that was constant.

What Friendship is All About

Flash forward twenty years an the foundation of friendship has taken on a whole other facade.You can wake up tomorrow and find 7 or 8 new friend request on facebook;distant friends,friends of friends,and most of the time ,random strangers.You may accept and reject them,but You can't ignore the reality of the very scary social predicament;where did all the 'good friends 'go ????????

Phones replaced letters,and than those long,glorious chats on the phone were pushed aside for one line emails and broken language SMS.If we don't have the time to take each other's calls how will we find the time to lend a shoulder during a crisis ??????

As we get older we embark on a long period of extreme independence where we realize that we don't need anyone on a day-to-day basis cynicism, stubbornness, and often a fear of rejection surges over most of us and we learn to not expect anything from anyone because inevitably they will let you down.
Where I come from,I know a lot of people,but to identity the true friends amongst the crop  are a balancing act and I still have to master .so much of self worth and self confidence comes from a support structure that you'd like to dig deeper and ask yourself who your people are in the world where do you find them  and how can you ensure that they won't change  ????
Tell us in your comments what you think about real friendship?

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