Wednesday 3 September 2014

True Benefits of Gym Exercises

There is an old saying in English “health is wealth” about which mostly everybody is aware of, but the point is “are the people actually looking after there health?”. Well! I feel that a few does but a lot does not.its  about all , a teenager , adult or an old man or woman. In the present era we can see a lot of guys having a big tummy, and unable to run or even walk. Many are the victims of obesity.

True Benefits of  Gym Exercises

And it is seen more in the present youth population more students are either fat or skinny, only a few seems to be fit mostly from the sports background. I thought of writing this blog for those skinny or fat unhealthy kids, teenagers or old man who simply waste their time doing nothing , so that they could get a motivation to wake up and exercise and a become fit and healthy.

Gym is great platform according to me which enable a busy scheduled person to take some some time out and do some exercises to become fit physically and mentally as well. There is no doubt that many of us wants to have a decent physique ,an attractive persona that could be appreciated by everybody living around us , but the point is “how many of us try for it?” . Only a few I guess. Its not for any other person but for you, you and only you. So my point is that be a early riser or take some time in the evening  , make a habit of regularly exercising , start  from small work out plans and slowly try to increase the time limit and intensity of work out and trust me you will soon notice a big change in your persona and your behavior attitude.

There are  days You feel like giving up , there are days you become happy seeing a change , well I call them bad days  and good days respectively . But all what matters the most is the consistency and dedication that is needed to be regular. In my upcoming article I will tell you about the different exercises for different body parts for beginners that could help you to shape yourself up well. Thankyou!!  

If you have any question about you health and fitness, you can ask in comment or mail us, we will let you know about the proper diet which perfectly suits your body

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