Monday 8 September 2014

Bad Effects of loneliness

As the life turns into the new phases the touch with a friend slowly dwindle and gradually one either makes new friends or become aloof. This problem is with everybody .for example all friends at school time do not remain together after school life gets over and make new friends in collage, similarly all friend in collage do not remain touch after collage and make new friends in a job.

Bad Effects of loneliness 

The motive behind writing this article was to motivate those people suffering from loneliness and make them more social and friendly so that the loneliness could not affect them much.

There are many side effects of loneliness like the person have no one to talk, no one to share his views, thoughts, feelings with, his or her nature automatically changes and he becomes more introvert. Soon after the collage life gets over and some students remain jobless and due to parental pressure they run towards strange big cities where they have no one familiar to them.

They want to have a friend, but it’s not that simple to trust somebody from a strange place. Even those who get the job feel lonely as they live alone. Though these social networking site like facebook etc helps us to make new friends but that use is also limited as now a day’s people don’t accepts the friend requests of any unknown and do not chat much.

Loneliness can only be removed by being frank, jolly and extrovert attitude. It will be eradicated from your life if you will take a step to mix yourself up among people living around you. If you go to gym, go to any pool club or any other place where you find people coming and enjoying. Just be frank to talk and make them your friend.

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